Sunday, May 9, 2010

my beautiful boy is 8!

This time of year is always emotional for me, not only is it mothers day but my mums birthday and liams birthday, every year it hits you a little that she isn't here to meet my lil man, that my eldest is getting older, the gap between his actual age and mental age.. its all kinda rough to be honest!

It still staggers me that he is now 8! This teeny weeny lil bub who was popped into my arms not all that long ago is now 3/4 of my height and so cheeky its amazing. He is developing well lately, reading more, understanding more and very funny. How can it be 8 years since he joined us? and yet at the same time life before him is a vague memory so long ago and rather empty.

Liam had outgrown the pc he got at 3 as he now needed internet, printer etc. so that was what he got this year, a handy dandy lil pc with a funky screen and printer! And oh he is overjoyed we had tantrums this morning before school because he wanted to stay home on the pc lol. And he got a cheap little digital camera so he can take photos of what interests him! (and hopefully keep him away from our cameras!) rather looking forward to the results! Already the pc has 30 mario pictures lol in mspaint. gorgeous lil love isn't he!

Happy birthday to my mother who yesterday on mothers day would of been 57 years old, happy birthday to my eldest son who brings me such joy and makes us better people, happy mothers day belatedly for all the mummies out there, and spare a thought for all of us who don't have our mothers with us, and give your mum a kiss and let her know how much she means to you. How much it means she is there to meet and love the grandkids, for every celebration and milestone. And don't just do it on mothers day! biweekly at least ;p

Thursday, May 6, 2010

oh dear its a bumpy ride

I always thought the reason 18 months till 3 was so terribly frustrating with liam was the regression, frustration at losing his speech etc.. but I have come to realise recently some of the stereotypes about terrible 2s are well accurate!

Jon is currently wallowing in the joy of being 2, you take his nappy off he tantrums, have to put a new nappy on he tantrums, try to get him to eat some food he tantrums, try to sit down without breastfeeding he tantrums, try to eat your own food he tantrums, try to leave the room he tantrums, open the door to get the mail he tantrums come in with the mail and not let him run on the road he tantrums its ridiculous at the moment!

its to the extent atm that in a 5 minute convo on msn I had to inbetween each sentence go out into the living room and then have him tantrum because i wouldn't sit and play blocks for another hour, or wouldn't let him play outside again or let him play in the kitchen etc.

please tell me this phase passes soon?!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

eco toys store opening!!

one of my favorite toystores is opening a brick and morter location!!

Is anyone in Hawthorn?? If so make sure to pop into the new Eco Toys grand opening! Love their stuff and wish I was closer to attend :(

I've actually posted pictures of their items previously - its where the wooden kitchen I posted at christmas is from, the darling wooden teaset jon got last christmas, the beeswax candles and so much more!!!

Date: Saturday, May 8, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Location: 651 Burwood rd, Hawthorn East 3123