Wednesday, September 23, 2009

**drum roll** and the winner is..

after many many attempts the gadget has began working again. and after even more attempts to get liam to help, and 10 soid minutes of chasing him to get a photo lol

the winner is...


if you can message me your address and I'll post it off asap!


for some reason the gadget which normally shows the followers has wigged out and isn't showing I am not sure why this is, and I can't even access it from my dashboard so can't access the data from it so unfortunately my winner will have to be picked another day =(


anyone have any suggestions as how to fix this I would love to hear them!! *begs*

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

small frustrations and a giveaway today!

It always makes me laugh when you have a design you think will be a quick and easy job but end up looking lovely and it instead takes forever and the end result you are still scratching your head about!

I spent much of last night cursing what should of been a really simple piece lol. And ended up destroying a couple crimp covers and other bits and pieces.. once frustrated walk away lol as keep trying just ends up with broken accessories and one very very po'd chickie.

Today is the last day to become a follower to win

this lovely lollyjar of yummy candy guest soaps! I had a lot of fun making these though the running around about moulds was horrid lol. I hope whoever wins likes them! Liam is going to help me pick a name out of a hat (or bowl) later on today!
Good luck all!!

math, spreadsheets and guilt

So I spent a great deal of today doing a spreadsheet of what I have spent on beads/candle stuff/soap gear etc.. (it makes pricing and budgeting easier) over the last 6 months.

mother guilt kicked in something shocking. I went through cycles of emotion, stunned, angry, guilty, impressed, and guilt again lol. ahh well. I mean its little bits here little bits there (plus I spent all my bday money on either gems or craft stuff which was added to the total so don't feel bad there)

ahh well. I had dean over today which was great as its been forever since I saw him last. Unfortunately the kids react in very different ways to having people enter the house, jon shows off and has a ball, liam spent half the day in meltdowns and ended up becoming very violent on a couple of occasions (each time at me) and people wonder why we are antisocial buggars. its so not worth the aftermath =( so lol a bad day today but each time totally my choice and my fault. Never fun.

ahh well theres always tomorrow!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

books/movies and stupid quotes from actors =p

Getting there with the sorting and stuff. its a total pita but will make things soo much easier in the longer run!

though sadly seeing everything laid out I really need to up my level of production. haven't made as much as I thought I had!!

The kids are fairly blue today peters father went back home after a visit over the end of the week and this weekend jonathan was sooo in love with his granddad was so cute and hey anytime theres someone else here to read thats not my train etc to him is pretty lovely to me as well lol.

I also got the host by s meyer. I think I can rather ashamedly admit I think I am a fan, her work is very easy to read (similar style to harry potter and anne mccaffrey) and am watching true blood.

True blood I am finding rather amusing. I put off watching the show for ages as one of the actors in a televised interview said 'its buffy but for people with intelligence' and I ranted and raved and swore I'd never spend a cent on the show.. (still haven't i downloaded it) and lol no darlin' its buffy for rednecks, mixed with californication and porn!! stupid s.o.b! its nothing like i expected (buffy with a mullet and a porno?) but we aren't far into it. who knows maybe it will improve lol.
Why you would say such a stupid comment anyway I have no idea.. choose to alienate and insult your possible audience?! I mean it has worked for johan vasquez and some other authors etc but for some cheesecake on a 3rd rate show? seems like career suicide!
anyways once it cools down tonight I have a stack of soap to make had 4kg of base arrive yum!

Friday, September 18, 2009

storage and space!! plus school holidays

I've been counting down madly till today, peter and his dad who is up visiting have gone out to go pick up my craft cupboard!! I can't wait!!!
Atm I have boxes and display items in the linen cupboard, soaps and candles under the sink, beads on top of the fridge and its a masssive drama to do anything!! eg imagine trying to find a pearl, you need to move 4 boxes open a tool box that weighs 15kg or so remove a few more boxes etc etc its such a pita but no more!! as of this afternoon I will have my delish lil cupboard and space!!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Also I had fun yesterday setting up the jewellery trays and earring rack.. seriously need to up the amount of pieces I am making a week though *rolls her eyes* I thought I had been so productive and then all laid out it looks like very little lol.
also its the school holidays! we are doing the playcentre on monday (as its only qlds school holidays atm so it won't be too insane on monday for liam) wish us luck? he tends to have fun once he gets over the shock of the noise.. its just getting him past that part and the initial meltdown is never good =( though lol last time we went he ended up chucking a massive tantrum as he didn't want to leave.. tanty when we get there as he wants to go home, and then tanty as we leave as he wants to stay!! *laughs*
cross your fingers for us please! and enjoy the weekend!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I've been sick for the last 5 days with gastro, my online time is rather limited atm. hoping desperately to feel better soon =(

beading ppls eurekas 50% off sale is this week check it out =)

argh and i'm off again. ttyl.

Friday, September 11, 2009

happy dance


It has taken so many tries (aquamarine/teal/aqua/carribean blue etc!! czech/chinese/ crystal arghh!!) but i found them i found them i found them!!

I found the beads. the quality is shit but my god the colour is lovely!!!


on another topic. if you are interested in beading at all go to spotlight atm as they are clearing out sooo much stock. so very very broke. *sighs*

and already know what to buy with my spending money next fortnight lol. especially since peter just had to pay off $300 in fines (*grrr*)

Monday, September 7, 2009

had a shocker couple of days sleep wise jon has been crashing at 7pm at night.. which sadly means he wakes up at 4am where as if he sleeps till 9pm as usual he sleeps in till 6:30am. so unfortunately my mojo is fairly absent.

but I have been having some fun with halloween items though next time I am making sure I don't buy the magnetic hermitite (sp) as its a pain in the bum when you don't want that quality!

and also trying to improve my photography skills.

its funny though I was looking yesterday at a pair of earrings a few months ago I was so proud of and lol I have come so far in just a short period of time as my god they are sh*t and really need to be pulled apart and put together again! hopefully in a few months I will be saying the same about my wire wrap work now as I really want to improve that!!

Bought myself some longer headpins and eyepins today so we will see how we go! Pete has a stack of clay coming to him that he is going to have so much fun with. and hopefully now knows when items are drying not to leave them down where the kids can get at them!! as thats just drama we don't need =p

clothes shopping this week.. cross your fingers for me please I'd like to once get through it without a tantrum or meltdown from either myself, dh or liam lol!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

online kiddie shopping

sometimes you come across something you love that you decide now isn't the time, but go back and drool occasionally.

here are two of my fave wahms and their stores (often known as the when i have a girl or when I win lotto sites) - I adore her clothes, incredibly talented woman who also talks up storm and has the cutest kids!! (her store - really reminds me of hollie hobby and I am determined next time I get a + I'm going to go mad in her store and buy everything in sight (ok slight exaggeration but not by much!) - anyone who has a little girl should have a few of these. in every colour, trim and design lol. - the stuffed head fruit gang just kills me wayy too cute - adorable clothes - I have to constantly refrain from overspending on this site. wonderful items!!

I was going to add shannons store as well but sadly it's gone. *sighs*

Saturday, September 5, 2009

i finally did it!!

I think I finally have wirewrapping worked out. oddly enough the trick is bigger headpins and eyepins. can you believe I've been going crazy over this for weeks and thats all I needed?! argh

but I am very happy with the fact I finally worked it all out. And the results are very cute!

I had a lot of fun last night since Jon crashed early making up earring sets and the like.

Really looking forward to my display bust arriving lol, but I did the best I could late at night with the materials at hand!

Hooray!! This also brings me one step closer to eventually selling properly my own items (atm I have some orders from friends/family but put my foot down and said thats it until I get better at what I am making lol) I do intend eventually on making my own beads/findings etc =) though the idea is somewhat scary I'm a person who needed stitches from:
- a cut opening a pepsi can
- a spatula

to the point the joke is hand me a knife and I'd be fine anything blunt or unusual and its off to the ER! And I'll be playing with a blowtorch?! thats still a while off thankfully lol!

I hope the men in your lives have a wonderful day today feeling appreciated, special, wonderful and you manage to grab some good quality family time in the midst of it all!! happy fathers day guys!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally finished it!!! we are coming up to my favorite holiday (halloween!!) so of course lots of ghouls and ghosts and creepy crawlies coming from this active lil imagination! And also my first full attempt to wire wrap. my god i hope i get faster at that as I get more practiced as wow that took forever lol.

but yay my last item that was designed for the jus for mum swap is all finished!! Rather happy with it!

fathers day tomorrow! hope you all have fun spoiling your loved ones!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

my beautiful boy had his sports day yesterday. I didn't go this year as pete couldn't get the time off to do the pick up and drop off (NEED to get my l's next fortnight *sighs*) but he came home with

3 ribbons!!! I'm so proud. I had to laugh though all this excitement all the races etc and what does liam get hyper about? comes home yelling 'CAR!! CAR!!' i thought he wanted to go for a drive.. nope that wasn't it.. did he leave something in the bus?.. nope.. hmm ok I'm lost so I drag him to the pc and pop him in front of paint and he draws very clearly himself as mario in the front seat of a car going to mcdonalds!!
WTF?! ask who the other little creature is.. oh its his carers child (who goes to the same school as liam) ring up and ask about it. oh yeah it was a treat because he won so many ribbons.. *goes insane* not only was he not given permission to go, they had him in THE FRONT SEAT. and they were surprised i was upset by it all?? what the hell? really?!
*headbutts the desk*
needless to say any other excersions etc I am going along.
today we did playgroup and jon had so much fun it was so adorable. unfortunately we may of had our first asd sign as he when given a huge box of cars sat down and lined them up. not sure if thats because thats what mummy was doing (i was making a magnetic train) or not.. but yeah worrying a little.
ahh well what will be will be and there isn't anything more we can do to change where the cards fall. and if he does end up on the spectrum god knows this is the right household for him as both peter and myself have been diagnosed as aspies as adults (different clinics different shrinks, different states.. same result. and we wondered why we clicked so hard lol) and liam is on the spectrum with autism and intellectual impairment.
so if it does occur we can help him and understand some of the problems he will face. but i still have my fingers crossed it was just copng mum or a common response as another lil girl did the exact same thing when she came to play cars (and she isn't on the spectrum)
cross your fingers for us?
fathers day this weekend!! hope you all have a ball and spoil your loved ones madly!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

its clean up day in this household.

getting rid of some furniture which was either dying or just plain unsafe and replacing them with some nicer more sturdy furniture.. plus the tip run to end all tip runs!!

I can't wait!! This will eventually when we move go into the boys playroom! As I am hoping to have a completely safe play area that doesn't spread to the rest of the house. where as atm our entire house is one giant playroom lol.
unfortunately i got outbid on my other items so can't do it all in one large swoop as i had intended but YAY good bye to the old corner entertainment unit which liam climbed as a baby and I had nightmares about at least every 6 months lol, goodbye to the ripped and dodgy armchairs, and hello to a nicer safer household!!
(yes btw i am aware i really need to get a life i am this excited about this but i don't care lol)