Sunday, November 29, 2009


My little baby is a baby no longer. He is now 2!! And to celebrate the day has been having tantrums all over the place lol. And wandering around going 'TWO!!!' lol which is too adorable for words. Haven't done the pressies yet have to wait till Liam gets home from school but both 'YAY! its his birthday!!' and '*sobs* its his birthday'
He is an absolute joy, a little man who is in love with his little people toys, train crazy, animal mad, loves the alphabet and runs from any thing bear his favorite foods are spinach and cheese and he loves loves loves his icecream. Both adores and torments his older brother and is so cheeky and lively its amazing.
Happy birthday my darling boy, you have brought so much love and laughter into our lives.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

heatwave, circus and mummy babble

The heatwave has hit sadly and everyone is melting, the kids are cross, househunting is ongoing and much more packing needs to be done. ARGH.
but on the positive side of things, we went to the circus on saturday the kids really didn't care all that much lol but liam had a ball on the jumping castle. Was very cute. They also didn't have any fairy floss! Or popcorn! I was so surprised!!
Jon is 2 end of this week which is both amazing and terribly sad lol its flown so fast and my lil man hasn't got long left of being my baby but at least at the moment he still loves his cuddles and breastfeeds and is too cheeky for words. Hence todays photo.. jon got at the nutella one day when pete left it down lol. Wasn't much left!!! How proud of himself does he look though!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It's been an expensive week and sadly its not over yet *sobs*

over the weekend the car curled up and died, had RACQ come out and check it out, got it towed to the mechanics on monday $400 later we have a car again umm yay? Then of course christmas shopping, shopping for Jons birthday, the 400 teachers liam has, and medical bills.

Doctors appointment today, ultrasound tomorrow and depending on that possibly exploratory surgery in the next few weeks. Oh doesn't that just sound FUN? All this technology and it still pretty much comes down to 'we'll have to cut ya open and have a squiz!' oh YAY!!

Don't wanna!! But I'm going to anyway as I've had a lot of pain since Jons birth (and he is 2 this month!) so i know its necessary but sadly the freak outs are occuring anyway!!

I don't like hospitals i don't like doctors and i'm really not a fan of surgeries. especially since apparently you are awake through the fucking thing! *whimpers* knock me out please I don't wanna see anything!!!

Packing sort of screeched to a stop last week, and very little has been done since.. partically due to the fact we had no boxes left and of course were booked to pick up an ebay auction of them on sunday but no car = no luck.

unfortunately we managed to pick them up tuesday and still not much being done. Any hints how to get the mojo going again?? I really don't want to do the last minute freak out pack up.. specially since its almost certain we are going to do the last minute freak out clean up and repaint ;p

hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


As many of you know I get the majority of my semi precious stones from incredibly high quality stones but ouch the prices!! Been looking tomorrow at the Amazonite as it is one of my favorite stones and focals and argh the wish list is growing and growing. her sea focals are amazing I just keep finding myself balking at the $30-70 price tag for a single bead.

then there is Christi Friesen's beads and sculptures, if you haven't seen her under the sea and dragon collection they will blow your mind! (see above image)

Friday, November 6, 2009

a hint its time to move

A funny moment from the littlest man. We were going through our noise 'what noise does a cat make? miaow miaow, dog woof woof etc.. got to car what noise does a car make? 'YEAH YEAH!!' a true sign we have been living off a main road for WAYY too long!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

artshow wrap up

The art show was last night and unfortunately Jon screamed the entire time so we weren't there long but was long enough to see the 3 pieces of liams work they had up, to buy some jewellery, put in a bid on some of the kids works and almost throw up after eating a PRUNE wrapped in bacon.. wtf?!!!

I'm incredibly proud, I also got the giggles at the fact they spelt Kart as CART on the display and didn't pick his best pieces but it was meant to show his 'development as an artist' umm k!!

had a chat with liams teacher from last year, was rather sad as he barely seemed to remember

her, and I think she was disappointed about the lack of reaction.

Other good news though he tried some rocky road! Just think of the texture of rocky road its sticky its got bits in it its melty in parts!! And he tried it!! I'm so proud!! This from a child who still regularly vomits from the smell of someone elses food, and only eats dry finger food is incredible - he also had a chicken nugget yesterday! Day of firsts.

Also anyone else with mario mad children, toys r us has a huge range of mario items atm and they are 20% off!

the day was stressful and occasionally horrible but also had moments of pride and such joy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

tv shows

I HATE when that happens, you finally find a show you like *cough* firefly *cough* it finally gets into its groove the characters become familiar and boom its gone. no wrap up, all loose ends and its so frustrating it makes you want to scream!

And yet garbage like the 400th survivor is still ongoing GAHH!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

art show!!

My eldest sons school has their art show tomorrow, we weren't intending on going due to only getting told yesterday (helpful!) but after a phone call that liam has stacks of works in it for sale off we go to the art show

It's fairly amazing the pieces he is coming out with recently, all mario centred as that is his current obsession (for the last year and a half maybe?) but becoming more and more detailed.

He still isn't overly vocal - though we do now get please and thankyou which is very cool - so the fact he has found a way to express himself is beautiful
well there you go yet another proud mummy post lol.