It's been an expensive week and sadly its not over yet *sobs*
over the weekend the car curled up and died, had RACQ come out and check it out, got it towed to the mechanics on monday $400 later we have a car again umm yay? Then of course christmas shopping, shopping for Jons birthday, the 400 teachers liam has, and medical bills.
Doctors appointment today, ultrasound tomorrow and depending on that possibly exploratory surgery in the next few weeks. Oh doesn't that just sound FUN? All this technology and it still pretty much comes down to 'we'll have to cut ya open and have a squiz!' oh YAY!!
Don't wanna!! But I'm going to anyway as I've had a lot of pain since Jons birth (and he is 2 this month!) so i know its necessary but sadly the freak outs are occuring anyway!!
I don't like hospitals i don't like doctors and i'm really not a fan of surgeries. especially since apparently you are awake through the fucking thing! *whimpers* knock me out please I don't wanna see anything!!!
Packing sort of screeched to a stop last week, and very little has been done since.. partically due to the fact we had no boxes left and of course were booked to pick up an ebay auction of them on sunday but no car = no luck.
unfortunately we managed to pick them up tuesday and still not much being done. Any hints how to get the mojo going again?? I really don't want to do the last minute freak out pack up.. specially since its almost certain we are going to do the last minute freak out clean up and repaint ;p
hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
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