Friday, March 26, 2010

am I the only one?

mild curiousity here.

A week or so ago while wandering in an op shop while waiting for my doctors appointment next door, I saw wonder of wonders some trixie belden books. I just about mugged peter for the car keys and went bolting to the car (as I didn't have my handbag on me) to go buy these books.

Peter has been rather confused considering how excited I was to find them that I haven't cracked them open and devored them like a 2 year old at easter. But I didn't so much want them for ME, I had once had the entire series of trixie and the babysitters club put away for whenever I have a little girl and they were destroyed sadly the backyard and shed was flooded and we didn't consider to think that yes everything in the shed in boxes was also soaking and needed to be removed and spread out to dry out.. and so it got moldy and basically broke down. I was devestated especially considering my soft toys which I had kept were lost backloading from sydney to the gc! I wanted them to put them away for a child who currently doesn't exist may never exist and hey even if she does eventually become a reality may not be interested!

am I the only one who does this? what have you got put away for the next generation? a christing gown when your children aren't baptised? Your wedding gown? toys from previous generations that are politically incorrect but loved all the same?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

interesting moment

had a moment that both made me laugh and smile and was rather worrying yesterday.

Sitting here on the pc and heard someone at the door and thought woohoo postie! then i heard them trying to open the front door and rushed out as well umm thats not normal and a little concerning.

And there is this TINY little girl maybe 18-20 months of age carrying a grubby white comfort blanket. Asked where her mum was the bottom lip quivered 'don't know' and i'm panicking jons come wandering to the door and he and the lil girl are standing there staring at each other and i'm freaking out lol. ended up getting pete to watch jon for a moment and getting the lil darling to hold my hand and take me to her house.. which half way up the road was rather recognisable by the truly freaked out dad out the front looking around frantically. She had gotten out through the garage and because all the houses pretty much look the same (yes i'm now in one of those areas lol there are literally 4 carboncopies of our house within 2 streets, christ u'd never want to get drunk u'd never find the right place again!) had gotten confused and thought our house was hers.

Daddy walked off talking sternly to the little girl but hugging her for all his worth so fortunately a happy ending.

It's amazing how quickly something like that can go wrong though, we get trucks speeding through this street ALL the time, or what if she'd gone to someones house who wasn't so parental and had her best interests in mind?

its truly scary how quickly things can go wrong with a little one, a jump that landed wrong, a climb that ended badly, a toy that shouldn't be swallowed, a mouthful swallowed too fast, a moment of inattention and boom. your world can change. truly scary.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


yeah i'm the worlds slackest blogger lately, but since the move and jon starting daycare we have had the worst run of illness. To the extent since jon started daycare in oh january he's managed to go a grand total of 4 times due to bugs and a cough that would not go away.

its been fairly batty, we have had ear infections, sinus infections, an allergic rash, gastro, chest infections, colds and the flu! had weeks of vomited on sheets and towels and concern about dropping weight (jon that is!!) thankgod for breastmilk as otherwise the bugs would of been much more serious!

so sorry but we are still alive just battered and still ill. =p

send us your good health wishes lol it seems we need them!