we have had a busy time, did how to train you dragon, seaworld today, lots of family time, lego play etc.. had a ball but sadly the holidays are at an end.
I did have to share one thing though. Liam is becoming more expressive, still isn't vocal but now the events and things that have an impact on him are finding ways to be expressed.
here you can see the rollercoaster he went on with peter, the dolphins as we spent a bit of time looking at the dolphin nursery and watching the dolphin show, the sesame street area where we watched part of the show, seaworld of course and lol liams fave part of any activity out and about .. maccers lol.
the one in the green shirt and red pants is liam and is actually colour correct which is very cool. not sure if the rest of us are there in different forms lol or what is the go but had to share. so very very proud!
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