Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
and we are off.
i had a couple of mini goals with this: a) raise money for AEIOU b) dip my toe and see how it goes and c) have an hyena thread on NC (just coz that would be very cool lol) and i think i'd just about explode with excitement lol.
lol. so far though i'm pretty happy with how its going! =)
now if i can keep myself from immediately spending the funds on other stores on MM lol!!
lol. so far though i'm pretty happy with how its going! =)
now if i can keep myself from immediately spending the funds on other stores on MM lol!!
all live!!! is now open! yay!!!
lol and smack bang on half past I got my first sale which was very cool!
lol and smack bang on half past I got my first sale which was very cool!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
it's here its today!!

*runs around in circles* It's tonight!! As an exsydneysider when looking for a piccie that says celebration had to find one of the harbour of course!!
I had intended to make a bunch of earrings and some candy soaps last night but after packing like a mad thing (and getting royally cross at someone else again sitting and watching me pack gah help please) it didn't go to plan but at least now the pantry, everything in the living room/our bedroom/liams bedroom is all packed. kitchen next.
oh and to find out if we are moving in 2 weeks or 6 weeks.. would be nice!!
wish me luck for tonight please. I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself if I don't sell a thing well least I'll know my taste isn't everybody's and I will of tried. Rather large step forward at least!
lol now lets just hope that attitude sticks!!
see you all on 7:30pm NSW time.. so 6:30 qld? i think? cross your fingers for me!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
totally random
just once i'd like on one of these vamp shows the chick to see a photo of the dude 400 years ago and go 'wow your great great whatever really looks like you' not immediately respond with 'VAMPIRE!! mythical creature that apparently doesn't exist and the only other evidence I have is your pale!!' its like seeing hoof prints and immediately going 'UNICORN!!!' instead of fucking HORSE!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Autism fundraiser auctions.

And pretty much my last items are up. No doubt I will cave and put up a bunch of earrings before then but my last has to be done no matter how little sleep you get item has been put up!
AEIOU is an amazing organisation and I want so much to help them reach their goal of a centre on the Gold Coast next year. Wayy too late for my lil man on the spectrum but that support, the assistance, the solidarity, the acceptance - the amount of people they will be able to help is staggering.
When Liam was diagnosed (after a year and a half of going to doctors/specialists etc because we KNEW something was wrong and being fobbed off) it was literally a case of here is disability queenslands phone number they may be able to help you (yeah 1 appointment every 2 months yay.) and that was IT. (oh we eventually got a carer for liams daycare who kept being assigned to office work she almost never saw Liam!)
I love that there are not for profit organisations like AEIOU now that helps the parents, the family through the denial, the anger, the blame - and yes the grief, that occurs after a child is diagnosed. And help the child as well!! Early intervention is so critical but unfortunately out of reach finanically for most.
The rate keeps rising and we don't know why, but there are so many children out there who NEED organisations like AEIOU and centres like Giant Steps, but without the pricetag that ASPECT expect.
Monday, October 26, 2009
panic stations!!

I hate waiting for parcels, even worse I hate waiting for parcels this close to the shop opening. I bought some moulds from the US including the puzzle pieces mould I need for the autism auction was told yep pay $35 in postage and it'll be there on the 25th *tada* its now the 27th and it just cleared customs!!
arghhhhhh i need my moulds!!! hurry up hurry up hurry up!!!
I'm also missing my silver puzzle charms but that was always an extra anyway so I can live without those but come on!! You buy stuff a couple of weeks in advance pay through the nose for postage and its late?!!
*whimpers and runs in circles*
Sunday, October 25, 2009
just hanging around!!
Sometimes you make a piece and everything in you goes 'its MINE!!!!!!!' but being a good little person you put it on the store pile and grin everytime you see it.
heres my favorite piece at the moment. ok from the top view it doesn't look like much its cute and all but yeah ok whats so special about it??
wait for it....
look closer. check out the anxious little look on the little guy. oh I love it lol. cracks me up. Was so tempted to name it the wems but lol not everyone would understand that and ehh I think she would of flipped if I named it wendy. and wendy i'd need to include tinkerbell somewhere or my brain would explode (no seriously i'd end up having panic attacks lol)
but considering the fact I already claimed a completely swaro necklace and earring set I decided I have to behave so onto the store it goes tonight so I'm not tempted lol. But I did just have to share!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
the kids are so full on lately. Jon is in mad tantrum and climb on everything stage, both Peter and I are running on caffeine and packing has started. *sighs* its midnight and liam has only just gone to sleep and more then likely will be up in a couple of hours after having had a nightmare (new thing and we have no idea what has caused it)
jon will of course be up at 6am we have more packing to do, have to go buy a sofa bed this weekend, I need to make some earrings but considering its midnight and I will of just started everything I try atm looks like crap gahhhh.
good things: I got a large order of my licorice allsort soaps done this week I took a photo after layer one was put in the box, there was another layer on top of it and some choccie soaps too so that was very cool. I got paid for a necklace set I sent off a bit ago so have money to burn on lol of course some more beads and chain lol.
oh and I made a piece that gives me the right giggles.. not sure if thats a good thing or not!!
Jon just finished his midnight feed so I'm off to bed fak is messy and makes it hard to type!! night all!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
soapy fun
when you think of doing awareness ribbons you honestly don't expect it to be too difficult. the majority of disorders and diseases ribbons are solid colours and fairly simple.
not so much with autism

I have been trying off and on over the last few weeks to do some asd ribbons for a fundraising auction.. I tried puzzle shaped pieces I tried tiny pieces I tried different layers and all were pretty darn bad to be honest.

But I finally have a couple that I am happy with. I only needed 2 after all that drama I also have some bookmarks some asd jewellery for the mummy with a munchykin on the spectrum. 100% will be going to AEIOU who are honestly of the most wonderful organisations in Australia and NEED the funds to have more centres Aust wide.
oh and yes you may of noticed. My comma button has died - sorry to anyone who is reading this going 'ARGH punctuation!!!' but its gone and I'm not replacing this keyboard as its not even 2 months old and the mouse in the kit already died!! so no comma for me for a bit!! or until I get so cranky with it I cave. Either or!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
fly in the ointment

I have a confession to make I have decided I dislike making earrings they are so fiddly and repetitive and just plain ol dull. The majority of women prefer a 4cm drop which with the drop from the hook itself leaves you a grand total of 3cms to do something beautiful.
Not easy. and then repeat that a bunch of times *sighs*
ah well can't love everything about a craft! I'm sure there are knitters out there who hate frogging or spinning or some other vital aspect of their hobby photographers who dislike developing so on and so forth.
have been fun with soaps though.. autism puzzle soaps are a b*tch.. wish me luck!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
postage woes
it is INCREDIBLY hard to work out how much postage to charge. Worlds smallest lil bundle popped it in a tiny lil parcel and postage was $4.50 *blinks* how in the world do you work out how much postage to charge so you don't end up covering most of it?
Friday, October 16, 2009
goatsmilk soap

For the first time I made some pure goatsmilk soap and I'm finding myself rather amazed its soo lush!! But heres the kicker the small details don't seem to show up in the pure gm in photos its all one white blob in piccies lol.. so having to add some colouring which of course stuffs up the entire idea behind completely natural soap as the colouring isn't. ah well. I must admit they do look amazing!
check them and some more items at
now just mainly earrings to go! *woot* also inspection on tuesday *sighs*
Thursday, October 15, 2009
gorgeous geek items
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
tick tick tick goes the clock

fortunately i am ahead of my goals atm as the kids have been nutty, plus dh in bed after having asthma issues with the dust storms, and hospital appointments that went forever for me..
and my paper guillotine arrived today *happy dance* cutting paper by hand takes FOREVER!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
i may of overdone it

edited all of the photos today.. may have to do a cull of items to list lol I hadn't realised it had kinda exploded. but I am happy with the items I have ready and now only have a few pieces left on my checklist *hooray* with time to spare which is a miracle
had fun making halloween soaps, but if you go with a black soap would you want blackcurrent as a scent or licorice? hmm might have a hunt around see what other suitable fragrances there are!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
countdown is on!!

well the countdown has started, on october 30th I have my first online store at !! Rather excited, nervous, terrified etc lol I do hope you all will come have a sticky beak at my items, a mix of halloween, glamor, geekery and plain ol' fun!! Soaps, jewellery, custom items, and a couple surprises I'll keep up my sleeve until the day!
so write it on the calender and wish me luck!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
school holidays
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