my beautiful boy had his sports day yesterday. I didn't go this year as pete couldn't get the time off to do the pick up and drop off (NEED to get my l's next fortnight *sighs*) but he came home with
3 ribbons!!! I'm so proud. I had to laugh though all this excitement all the races etc and what does liam get hyper about? comes home yelling 'CAR!! CAR!!' i thought he wanted to go for a drive.. nope that wasn't it.. did he leave something in the bus?.. nope.. hmm ok I'm lost so I drag him to the pc and pop him in front of paint and he draws very clearly himself as mario in the front seat of a car going to mcdonalds!!
WTF?! ask who the other little creature is.. oh its his carers child (who goes to the same school as liam) ring up and ask about it. oh yeah it was a treat because he won so many ribbons.. *goes insane* not only was he not given permission to go, they had him in THE FRONT SEAT. and they were surprised i was upset by it all?? what the hell? really?!
*headbutts the desk*
needless to say any other excersions etc I am going along.
today we did playgroup and jon had so much fun it was so adorable. unfortunately we may of had our first asd sign as he when given a huge box of cars sat down and lined them up. not sure if thats because thats what mummy was doing (i was making a magnetic train) or not.. but yeah worrying a little.
ahh well what will be will be and there isn't anything more we can do to change where the cards fall. and if he does end up on the spectrum god knows this is the right household for him as both peter and myself have been diagnosed as aspies as adults (different clinics different shrinks, different states.. same result. and we wondered why we clicked so hard lol) and liam is on the spectrum with autism and intellectual impairment.
so if it does occur we can help him and understand some of the problems he will face. but i still have my fingers crossed it was just copng mum or a common response as another lil girl did the exact same thing when she came to play cars (and she isn't on the spectrum)
cross your fingers for us?
fathers day this weekend!! hope you all have a ball and spoil your loved ones madly!!