Getting there with the sorting and stuff. its a total pita but will make things soo much easier in the longer run!
though sadly seeing everything laid out I really need to up my level of production. haven't made as much as I thought I had!!
The kids are fairly blue today peters father went back home after a visit over the end of the week and this weekend jonathan was sooo in love with his granddad was so cute and hey anytime theres someone else here to read thats not my train etc to him is pretty lovely to me as well lol.
I also got the host by s meyer. I think I can rather ashamedly admit I think I am a fan, her work is very easy to read (similar style to harry potter and anne mccaffrey) and am watching true blood.
True blood I am finding rather amusing. I put off watching the show for ages as one of the actors in a televised interview said 'its buffy but for people with intelligence' and I ranted and raved and swore I'd never spend a cent on the show.. (still haven't i downloaded it) and lol no darlin' its buffy for rednecks, mixed with californication and porn!! stupid s.o.b! its nothing like i expected (buffy with a mullet and a porno?) but we aren't far into it. who knows maybe it will improve lol.
Why you would say such a stupid comment anyway I have no idea.. choose to alienate and insult your possible audience?! I mean it has worked for johan vasquez and some other authors etc but for some cheesecake on a 3rd rate show? seems like career suicide!
anyways once it cools down tonight I have a stack of soap to make had 4kg of base arrive yum!
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