Tuesday, September 22, 2009

math, spreadsheets and guilt

So I spent a great deal of today doing a spreadsheet of what I have spent on beads/candle stuff/soap gear etc.. (it makes pricing and budgeting easier) over the last 6 months.

mother guilt kicked in something shocking. I went through cycles of emotion, stunned, angry, guilty, impressed, and guilt again lol. ahh well. I mean its little bits here little bits there (plus I spent all my bday money on either gems or craft stuff which was added to the total so don't feel bad there)

ahh well. I had dean over today which was great as its been forever since I saw him last. Unfortunately the kids react in very different ways to having people enter the house, jon shows off and has a ball, liam spent half the day in meltdowns and ended up becoming very violent on a couple of occasions (each time at me) and people wonder why we are antisocial buggars. its so not worth the aftermath =( so lol a bad day today but each time totally my choice and my fault. Never fun.

ahh well theres always tomorrow!

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