Saturday, August 29, 2009
We intended on playing outside as the kids have a brilliant backyard here. Pete got everything set up we were out there 5 mins before liam got bitten by an ant and freaked out and pete had had enough and took everyone inside. =(
ahh well. I got some lovely pressies from the money my family sent all craft items which is a LOT of fun and will end up with some brilliant results once i get better at it lol. I wasted a stack of wire yesterday trying to work it all out lol. learning experience!! will get better i am sure lol.
its funny though so many ppl tried to rib me about getting closer to 30.. 30 doesn't bother me though? 26 did as thats the first fertility drop in women, and probably i'll have another wig out before 32 as thats the 2nd one and its HUGE I want to have had my 3rd bub before then as its a good gap too.. but 30? not so much? I'm odd apparently (like thats a shock to anyone who reads this!)
but yay birthday stresses over for another year. I hate them and love them all at the same time. it always ends up sh*t either due to ppl not calling, over expectations, etc etc it always seems at the end of the day there is someone upset for some reason. I really need to chuck a buffy and just not celebrate the damn things.
Friday, August 28, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
spoilt lil buggar I am!
I have arriving soon
- 5 metres of chain
- 4 different types of connectors
and a HEAP of gemstones! I went in on the migem buy with a forum which meant we got 50% off!!
so i have
Blue quartz
Black dragonscale agate (i love love love this stuff)
Red garnet
mother of pearl
Snakeskin jasper
rose quartz
red coral
lazuli lapis
all on the way!! and it cost me under $100 US!! unfortunately all rounds other then like 2x and they were sold out of 2 of my items so I need to buy some different shapes and some pendants but YAYYYYYYYYYY
and just for fun
1 x Thing-A-Ma-Jig Beginner
1 x Beading Loom
1 x Spiral Maker
1 x Coiling Gizmo
so yeah my bday day is going to be VERY quiet and I'm getting a cake and thats it but lol my postie is going to be bringing me pressies for weeks!!
I'm sooooooo excited lol. I got the email saying part of my order with the forum had arrived and just about did a dance lol
Friday, August 21, 2009
productive day
Now I need to find some child free time during business hours (time I won't get in trouble for using the drill lol) and can finish off the floppy disk notebooks! wish me luck?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
my god that was brilliant. bleach is sadly peter and my's football, we cheer and yell and yes i yell at the characters we debate whether items are canon or filler, we get HYPER.. and oh this episode was all that and more.
utterly brilliant. and now i have to wait 5 days till the next ep *cries* SQUEE!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
woot my swap gift arrived!!

Friday, August 14, 2009
so very blessed
And liam is amazing now when you go out and about. For years we dreaded going out with liam as you'd walk past the food sections he'd dry gag and carry on, he'd panic if peter and i weren't both holding his hands all the time (to the point one of us would walk more then 10 cms away and he'd just start screaming for whoever had walked away, yell help, etc it was horrific) now he is fantastic, he actually eats while out, he doesn't run off, he is so grown up now. It amazes me how far he has come in the last year and a half since he started school its just amazing. He is now vocal (can ask for a drink, a sandwich, tell you the characters of mario, ok thats pretty much it but its much better then it used to be!) he is sly at times which gives me the giggles. Comes up 'I want cuddle mum' (its heartbreaking the sentence is so broken up and slow but he knows what he wants to say) you give him a cuddle and he reaches over and grabs the mouse and closes whatever you were working on lol. or then says 'I want computer mum' which means he gets the pc even when its not his routined time as he asked!!
He is completely mario mad, and loves using MSpaint on the pc, still won't draw using paper and pencils or paint unless you basically force him which I HATE to do as art should be an enjoyable experience. Can you believe my lil big man is 7 now? It just blows me away how grown up he is, it doesn't seem all that long ago he was this TINY lil baby!
But yeah we had a really good day today, I love my boys so very very much and I'm so blessed to have them in my life. And I think its needed sometimes to have a moment where you just reflect on everything, where you have been, how far you have come and where you want to eventually get as well!!
just for mum swap!!
Friday, August 7, 2009

images borrowed from one of my favourite comics =)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
sadly they deleted the lego version of this. but this is one of my fave songs atm liam adores this and super mario twins hehe.
whenever i am down this always makes me laugh =)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I need more chain, i need some connectors i need a display bust.. i need to not be sick so i can go to spotlight =(
i caved today and ordered a stack of stuff from coles delivery dvds for the kids, magazines for dh and myself, heaps of treats stuff it if we are housebound for 2 weeks i'm getting us some fun stuff!!
so tempted to go into spotlight with the medical mask the doctors gave us.. but i really wonder how much good a few pieces of plastic do you know? and i'm not so much of a git to endanger other ppl because i need a few bits and pieces.
sorry wems, sami, swappee, maddie, your stuff is here to be posted off but lol i can't get near a post office!!
what else? oh I booked one of my favorite photographers EVER for a shoot for jons birthday, going to do a cake smash see here for examples, and get some family photos, traditionally cake smash is done for first birthday but I hadn't come across them before jons first birthday so eh just lagging behind a year!
sadly jon seem to be suffering a lil from 2nd child syndrome, photos of liam are EVERYWHERE but jon has a collage, some piccies in the digital photo frame and the canvas pics which we haven't been able to display since we have 2 of jon in canvas and none of liam. (though liam has the bronzed feet and hands where jon doesn't.. i don't think i'd be able to explain that to liam though!) this is carolines blog, honestly her work just melts me, i walk away everytime i look at her photography awed, impressed, determined, clucky and feeling very small and talentless lol just amazing.
I'm really excited about it which is a pain as its months away lol. and yay means we get photo christmas cards again this year!
jons having fun drawing on everything with chalk lol the things you put up with to keep them happy!!! liam is having a ball watching paper mario you tube videos.. yet doesn't actually like the game?! odd child! its sadly 4:30 so time for everyones medicine again. god i can't wait till this bug buggars off!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
someone put me out of my misery
can i just say I don't like this bug? off to the doctors again as jon is now hacking away so yay more time being treated like a leper (they give you the full medical masks and everyone stares at you lovely!!) you would think considering how contagious this bug is doctors could do housecalls instead of hey possibly infecting a room full of people.. who then can infect other people.. yay bright idea there.
it does mean though I can buy some more strepsils as the coles delivery dude brought us subsitute ones as the lemon and honey were sold out.. orange strepsils taste like feet i swear.
always fun!! doctors appointment in less then 2 hrs. hooray.
some guest soaps

always good to plan ahead!! hehe
Sunday, August 2, 2009
a contagious lil household
shuffling along miserable, exhausted and yes contagious.
I had intended on today finishing a few sets of jewellery and doing some wee lil guest soaps but instead I have spent the morning cleaning up poop, vomit and trying desperately to keep cranky cabin fevery and just plain fevery children happy.
lol a wonderful start to the blog =p
A new beginning

You more then likely know all of this if you are at this link but heres a quick rundown anyway (feel free to skip =p ) I'm Amy (27) happily married to Peter (28) and the mummy to 2 beautiful boys. I'm very passionate about a number of things (mcn, breastfeeding, disability awareness and support) currently learning to make jewellery and body products (soap and the like!) and am into video games, comics, sci fi fantasy and completely mad about my boys. Hoping to in the next few years add to our family, and desperately doing the countdown till we move later on in the year!
Peter is a computer programmer, very into webcomics, video games, sci fi novels and our lil family (of course hehe)
Liam is now 7 and he's completely mario and yoshi mad, loves the computer, addicted to youtube, the trampoline and painting (mspaint) loves his lego, his ds and his little brother!!
Jonathan (commonly called Jon) is 20 months and growing and developing so quickly it takes my breath away. He is train crazy, loves musical instruments, stacking rings and drawing (especially if there is a clean wall handy =( )
(tune back in now if you skipped the dribble)
so thats my family, our interests and yes if you found that dull this isn't the blog for you lol.
crying munchykin bbl (i have the feeling this is how many of my posts will end hehe)