Friday, August 14, 2009

so very blessed

I love when you have a day and you spend the whole time just looking at the kids and beaming. And awed by the joy they bring into your life.

Jon is just adorable lately, to give an example, we caved and went out to do the food shop at IGA today (like 10% of whatever we spend goes to liams school its brilliant, costs more then everywhere else but we walk out feeling good about the extra cost) jon is sitting in the baby seat section of the trolley and keeps tickling petes tummy and cracking up laughing. He was trying so hard to be sneaky too would wait till pete was walking normally (instead of holding the trolley at arms length) and ATTACK!! and cack himself completely. Was so funny and I love seeing his lil personality develop!

And liam is amazing now when you go out and about. For years we dreaded going out with liam as you'd walk past the food sections he'd dry gag and carry on, he'd panic if peter and i weren't both holding his hands all the time (to the point one of us would walk more then 10 cms away and he'd just start screaming for whoever had walked away, yell help, etc it was horrific) now he is fantastic, he actually eats while out, he doesn't run off, he is so grown up now. It amazes me how far he has come in the last year and a half since he started school its just amazing. He is now vocal (can ask for a drink, a sandwich, tell you the characters of mario, ok thats pretty much it but its much better then it used to be!) he is sly at times which gives me the giggles. Comes up 'I want cuddle mum' (its heartbreaking the sentence is so broken up and slow but he knows what he wants to say) you give him a cuddle and he reaches over and grabs the mouse and closes whatever you were working on lol. or then says 'I want computer mum' which means he gets the pc even when its not his routined time as he asked!!

He is completely mario mad, and loves using MSpaint on the pc, still won't draw using paper and pencils or paint unless you basically force him which I HATE to do as art should be an enjoyable experience. Can you believe my lil big man is 7 now? It just blows me away how grown up he is, it doesn't seem all that long ago he was this TINY lil baby!

But yeah we had a really good day today, I love my boys so very very much and I'm so blessed to have them in my life. And I think its needed sometimes to have a moment where you just reflect on everything, where you have been, how far you have come and where you want to eventually get as well!!

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