Saturday, August 29, 2009

well course it didn't end up that way, i fed jon late (7ish) and then pete got liam to come in and wish me a happy birthday and everyone got to play on the bed and give mummy her presents and no sleep in. *sighs* i was so looking forward to it too. ahh well.

We intended on playing outside as the kids have a brilliant backyard here. Pete got everything set up we were out there 5 mins before liam got bitten by an ant and freaked out and pete had had enough and took everyone inside. =(

ahh well. I got some lovely pressies from the money my family sent all craft items which is a LOT of fun and will end up with some brilliant results once i get better at it lol. I wasted a stack of wire yesterday trying to work it all out lol. learning experience!! will get better i am sure lol.

its funny though so many ppl tried to rib me about getting closer to 30.. 30 doesn't bother me though? 26 did as thats the first fertility drop in women, and probably i'll have another wig out before 32 as thats the 2nd one and its HUGE I want to have had my 3rd bub before then as its a good gap too.. but 30? not so much? I'm odd apparently (like thats a shock to anyone who reads this!)

but yay birthday stresses over for another year. I hate them and love them all at the same time. it always ends up sh*t either due to ppl not calling, over expectations, etc etc it always seems at the end of the day there is someone upset for some reason. I really need to chuck a buffy and just not celebrate the damn things.

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