Monday, August 3, 2009

someone put me out of my misery

what a truly horrible night. I spent the night alternating between vomiting from coughing too hard, crying because literally EVERYTHING hurt, feeding jon as I kept waking him up with my coughing, shivering despite the 3 blankets I had piled on me. So got up at 7 and hopped in the bath due to the sore body/joints etc and despite having it as hot as I could without burning myself sat there for 20 mins shivering.

can i just say I don't like this bug? off to the doctors again as jon is now hacking away so yay more time being treated like a leper (they give you the full medical masks and everyone stares at you lovely!!) you would think considering how contagious this bug is doctors could do housecalls instead of hey possibly infecting a room full of people.. who then can infect other people.. yay bright idea there.

it does mean though I can buy some more strepsils as the coles delivery dude brought us subsitute ones as the lemon and honey were sold out.. orange strepsils taste like feet i swear.

always fun!! doctors appointment in less then 2 hrs. hooray.

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