Wednesday, December 23, 2009

moving on.. well wayy wayy out lol

househunting sucks btw.

such a good day and its fairly remarkable that a day where both peter and I got a faceful of vomit, I had to meet people with a shirt covered in someone elses vomit and I had the scariest moment in years can be considered that but there you go!!

WE GOT A HOUSE! funnily enough its a house we applied for right at the beginning but they were looking tenants without children as it is a brand new house and 'children do damage' apparently! But lol a month and a bit extra on the market all 0f a sudden kiddies were a-ok!

Jon got horribly carsick the poor little darling made a horrible noise both peter and I turned to see what was wrong and got covered in puke and then he choked a bit on the barf and the entire time we couldn't pull over as motorway scariest thing ever and almost decided me on not getting the house as baby who is carsick and a drive to well pretty much ANYWHERE? we are hoping the incredible heat the lack of aircon etc had an impact and it was a once and only event.. *please?* though does show though he does have some of me in him lol, I used to get so badly carsick a couple of times as a kid I threw up in the gutter of my LOCAL shops and any car trip longer then 20 mins occured with a heap of towels in the boot and a bucket!!

but yayyyy new house!! the move is going to be exxy and sucky but we'll be set up soon enough and then hopefully not have to think about it again for another 3 years woot!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

mushy moment

Tis the time of year to reflect and look over the year the highs, the lows and the moments that still almost 6 months or more down the track still crack you the hell up.

And heres my conclusion: I love you guys, I love that I can go to so many blogs/posts/convos and see the joy of handmaking/creating something for the kids, that you all try so hard to better your kids lives, to live natural ethical lives and yes sometimes drag me along by my bootstraps as well. Make me think, consider what is important, what changes I can make for my children and the children elsewhere. Many of you make me want to better myself as well, to be a more traditional mum and do more baking,creating, lol and yes occasionally cleaning!

I love that so many of you believed and supported me and pushed when I wanted to say hey nah f*ck it and give up.

I love the joy and understanding that every lil milestone liam has brings not only ourselves but others because they recognise the amount of work and care that went into that little moment that happens so effortlessly in others.

I love the love you all have for your children that shines so clearly, where way too many people see their children as burdens you instead enjoy (and yes sometimes endure) every phase and love them so dearly.

I hope the next year you all achieve all of your goals the children go healthy and strong and the only tears are happy ones!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

its december!!

It is officially that time of year again and many mothers (and yes fathers too) find themselves running around in circles wondering what is safe, what will the kids like, what will be played with and what shoved in the toy box and forgotten (other then when you are paying the credit card bill!!)

Modern times bring new worries, chemicals, developmental impact, self esteem, pollution, materials, fairtrade/no trade, until you are ready to pull out your hair and give the kids either your entire wallet or a cardboard box because NOTHING seems to be completely worry free.

Here I am to help!!

there are heaps more but these ones are my faves =)
hope that helps!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


My little baby is a baby no longer. He is now 2!! And to celebrate the day has been having tantrums all over the place lol. And wandering around going 'TWO!!!' lol which is too adorable for words. Haven't done the pressies yet have to wait till Liam gets home from school but both 'YAY! its his birthday!!' and '*sobs* its his birthday'
He is an absolute joy, a little man who is in love with his little people toys, train crazy, animal mad, loves the alphabet and runs from any thing bear his favorite foods are spinach and cheese and he loves loves loves his icecream. Both adores and torments his older brother and is so cheeky and lively its amazing.
Happy birthday my darling boy, you have brought so much love and laughter into our lives.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

heatwave, circus and mummy babble

The heatwave has hit sadly and everyone is melting, the kids are cross, househunting is ongoing and much more packing needs to be done. ARGH.
but on the positive side of things, we went to the circus on saturday the kids really didn't care all that much lol but liam had a ball on the jumping castle. Was very cute. They also didn't have any fairy floss! Or popcorn! I was so surprised!!
Jon is 2 end of this week which is both amazing and terribly sad lol its flown so fast and my lil man hasn't got long left of being my baby but at least at the moment he still loves his cuddles and breastfeeds and is too cheeky for words. Hence todays photo.. jon got at the nutella one day when pete left it down lol. Wasn't much left!!! How proud of himself does he look though!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It's been an expensive week and sadly its not over yet *sobs*

over the weekend the car curled up and died, had RACQ come out and check it out, got it towed to the mechanics on monday $400 later we have a car again umm yay? Then of course christmas shopping, shopping for Jons birthday, the 400 teachers liam has, and medical bills.

Doctors appointment today, ultrasound tomorrow and depending on that possibly exploratory surgery in the next few weeks. Oh doesn't that just sound FUN? All this technology and it still pretty much comes down to 'we'll have to cut ya open and have a squiz!' oh YAY!!

Don't wanna!! But I'm going to anyway as I've had a lot of pain since Jons birth (and he is 2 this month!) so i know its necessary but sadly the freak outs are occuring anyway!!

I don't like hospitals i don't like doctors and i'm really not a fan of surgeries. especially since apparently you are awake through the fucking thing! *whimpers* knock me out please I don't wanna see anything!!!

Packing sort of screeched to a stop last week, and very little has been done since.. partically due to the fact we had no boxes left and of course were booked to pick up an ebay auction of them on sunday but no car = no luck.

unfortunately we managed to pick them up tuesday and still not much being done. Any hints how to get the mojo going again?? I really don't want to do the last minute freak out pack up.. specially since its almost certain we are going to do the last minute freak out clean up and repaint ;p

hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


As many of you know I get the majority of my semi precious stones from incredibly high quality stones but ouch the prices!! Been looking tomorrow at the Amazonite as it is one of my favorite stones and focals and argh the wish list is growing and growing. her sea focals are amazing I just keep finding myself balking at the $30-70 price tag for a single bead.

then there is Christi Friesen's beads and sculptures, if you haven't seen her under the sea and dragon collection they will blow your mind! (see above image)

Friday, November 6, 2009

a hint its time to move

A funny moment from the littlest man. We were going through our noise 'what noise does a cat make? miaow miaow, dog woof woof etc.. got to car what noise does a car make? 'YEAH YEAH!!' a true sign we have been living off a main road for WAYY too long!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

artshow wrap up

The art show was last night and unfortunately Jon screamed the entire time so we weren't there long but was long enough to see the 3 pieces of liams work they had up, to buy some jewellery, put in a bid on some of the kids works and almost throw up after eating a PRUNE wrapped in bacon.. wtf?!!!

I'm incredibly proud, I also got the giggles at the fact they spelt Kart as CART on the display and didn't pick his best pieces but it was meant to show his 'development as an artist' umm k!!

had a chat with liams teacher from last year, was rather sad as he barely seemed to remember

her, and I think she was disappointed about the lack of reaction.

Other good news though he tried some rocky road! Just think of the texture of rocky road its sticky its got bits in it its melty in parts!! And he tried it!! I'm so proud!! This from a child who still regularly vomits from the smell of someone elses food, and only eats dry finger food is incredible - he also had a chicken nugget yesterday! Day of firsts.

Also anyone else with mario mad children, toys r us has a huge range of mario items atm and they are 20% off!

the day was stressful and occasionally horrible but also had moments of pride and such joy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

tv shows

I HATE when that happens, you finally find a show you like *cough* firefly *cough* it finally gets into its groove the characters become familiar and boom its gone. no wrap up, all loose ends and its so frustrating it makes you want to scream!

And yet garbage like the 400th survivor is still ongoing GAHH!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

art show!!

My eldest sons school has their art show tomorrow, we weren't intending on going due to only getting told yesterday (helpful!) but after a phone call that liam has stacks of works in it for sale off we go to the art show

It's fairly amazing the pieces he is coming out with recently, all mario centred as that is his current obsession (for the last year and a half maybe?) but becoming more and more detailed.

He still isn't overly vocal - though we do now get please and thankyou which is very cool - so the fact he has found a way to express himself is beautiful
well there you go yet another proud mummy post lol.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

and we are off.

i had a couple of mini goals with this: a) raise money for AEIOU b) dip my toe and see how it goes and c) have an hyena thread on NC (just coz that would be very cool lol) and i think i'd just about explode with excitement lol.

lol. so far though i'm pretty happy with how its going! =)
now if i can keep myself from immediately spending the funds on other stores on MM lol!!

all live!!! is now open! yay!!!

lol and smack bang on half past I got my first sale which was very cool!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

it's here its today!!

*runs around in circles* It's tonight!! As an exsydneysider when looking for a piccie that says celebration had to find one of the harbour of course!!
I had intended to make a bunch of earrings and some candy soaps last night but after packing like a mad thing (and getting royally cross at someone else again sitting and watching me pack gah help please) it didn't go to plan but at least now the pantry, everything in the living room/our bedroom/liams bedroom is all packed. kitchen next.
oh and to find out if we are moving in 2 weeks or 6 weeks.. would be nice!!
wish me luck for tonight please. I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself if I don't sell a thing well least I'll know my taste isn't everybody's and I will of tried. Rather large step forward at least!
lol now lets just hope that attitude sticks!!
see you all on 7:30pm NSW time.. so 6:30 qld? i think? cross your fingers for me!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

totally random

just once i'd like on one of these vamp shows the chick to see a photo of the dude 400 years ago and go 'wow your great great whatever really looks like you' not immediately respond with 'VAMPIRE!! mythical creature that apparently doesn't exist and the only other evidence I have is your pale!!' its like seeing hoof prints and immediately going 'UNICORN!!!' instead of fucking HORSE!!!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Autism fundraiser auctions.

And pretty much my last items are up. No doubt I will cave and put up a bunch of earrings before then but my last has to be done no matter how little sleep you get item has been put up!

AEIOU is an amazing organisation and I want so much to help them reach their goal of a centre on the Gold Coast next year. Wayy too late for my lil man on the spectrum but that support, the assistance, the solidarity, the acceptance - the amount of people they will be able to help is staggering.
When Liam was diagnosed (after a year and a half of going to doctors/specialists etc because we KNEW something was wrong and being fobbed off) it was literally a case of here is disability queenslands phone number they may be able to help you (yeah 1 appointment every 2 months yay.) and that was IT. (oh we eventually got a carer for liams daycare who kept being assigned to office work she almost never saw Liam!)
I love that there are not for profit organisations like AEIOU now that helps the parents, the family through the denial, the anger, the blame - and yes the grief, that occurs after a child is diagnosed. And help the child as well!! Early intervention is so critical but unfortunately out of reach finanically for most.
The rate keeps rising and we don't know why, but there are so many children out there who NEED organisations like AEIOU and centres like Giant Steps, but without the pricetag that ASPECT expect.

Monday, October 26, 2009

panic stations!!

I hate waiting for parcels, even worse I hate waiting for parcels this close to the shop opening. I bought some moulds from the US including the puzzle pieces mould I need for the autism auction was told yep pay $35 in postage and it'll be there on the 25th *tada* its now the 27th and it just cleared customs!!
arghhhhhh i need my moulds!!! hurry up hurry up hurry up!!!
I'm also missing my silver puzzle charms but that was always an extra anyway so I can live without those but come on!! You buy stuff a couple of weeks in advance pay through the nose for postage and its late?!!
*whimpers and runs in circles*

Sunday, October 25, 2009

just hanging around!!

Sometimes you make a piece and everything in you goes 'its MINE!!!!!!!' but being a good little person you put it on the store pile and grin everytime you see it.

heres my favorite piece at the moment. ok from the top view it doesn't look like much its cute and all but yeah ok whats so special about it??

wait for it....

look closer. check out the anxious little look on the little guy. oh I love it lol. cracks me up. Was so tempted to name it the wems but lol not everyone would understand that and ehh I think she would of flipped if I named it wendy. and wendy i'd need to include tinkerbell somewhere or my brain would explode (no seriously i'd end up having panic attacks lol)

but considering the fact I already claimed a completely swaro necklace and earring set I decided I have to behave so onto the store it goes tonight so I'm not tempted lol. But I did just have to share!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


the kids are so full on lately. Jon is in mad tantrum and climb on everything stage, both Peter and I are running on caffeine and packing has started. *sighs* its midnight and liam has only just gone to sleep and more then likely will be up in a couple of hours after having had a nightmare (new thing and we have no idea what has caused it)

jon will of course be up at 6am we have more packing to do, have to go buy a sofa bed this weekend, I need to make some earrings but considering its midnight and I will of just started everything I try atm looks like crap gahhhh.

good things: I got a large order of my licorice allsort soaps done this week I took a photo after layer one was put in the box, there was another layer on top of it and some choccie soaps too so that was very cool. I got paid for a necklace set I sent off a bit ago so have money to burn on lol of course some more beads and chain lol.
oh and I made a piece that gives me the right giggles.. not sure if thats a good thing or not!!
Jon just finished his midnight feed so I'm off to bed fak is messy and makes it hard to type!! night all!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

soapy fun

when you think of doing awareness ribbons you honestly don't expect it to be too difficult. the majority of disorders and diseases ribbons are solid colours and fairly simple.

not so much with autism

I have been trying off and on over the last few weeks to do some asd ribbons for a fundraising auction.. I tried puzzle shaped pieces I tried tiny pieces I tried different layers and all were pretty darn bad to be honest.

But I finally have a couple that I am happy with. I only needed 2 after all that drama I also have some bookmarks some asd jewellery for the mummy with a munchykin on the spectrum. 100% will be going to AEIOU who are honestly of the most wonderful organisations in Australia and NEED the funds to have more centres Aust wide.
oh and yes you may of noticed. My comma button has died - sorry to anyone who is reading this going 'ARGH punctuation!!!' but its gone and I'm not replacing this keyboard as its not even 2 months old and the mouse in the kit already died!! so no comma for me for a bit!! or until I get so cranky with it I cave. Either or!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

fly in the ointment

I have a confession to make I have decided I dislike making earrings they are so fiddly and repetitive and just plain ol dull. The majority of women prefer a 4cm drop which with the drop from the hook itself leaves you a grand total of 3cms to do something beautiful.
Not easy. and then repeat that a bunch of times *sighs*
ah well can't love everything about a craft! I'm sure there are knitters out there who hate frogging or spinning or some other vital aspect of their hobby photographers who dislike developing so on and so forth.
have been fun with soaps though.. autism puzzle soaps are a b*tch.. wish me luck!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

postage woes

it is INCREDIBLY hard to work out how much postage to charge. Worlds smallest lil bundle popped it in a tiny lil parcel and postage was $4.50 *blinks* how in the world do you work out how much postage to charge so you don't end up covering most of it?


Friday, October 16, 2009

goatsmilk soap

For the first time I made some pure goatsmilk soap and I'm finding myself rather amazed its soo lush!! But heres the kicker the small details don't seem to show up in the pure gm in photos its all one white blob in piccies lol.. so having to add some colouring which of course stuffs up the entire idea behind completely natural soap as the colouring isn't. ah well. I must admit they do look amazing!

check them and some more items at

now just mainly earrings to go! *woot* also inspection on tuesday *sighs*

Thursday, October 15, 2009

gorgeous geek items

I had some fun making these, not sure if it was the paper guillotine or just simply these are something I have always wanted to make!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

tick tick tick goes the clock

fresh water pearls, jet 8mm swaros and a truly lovely cameo.

fortunately i am ahead of my goals atm as the kids have been nutty, plus dh in bed after having asthma issues with the dust storms, and hospital appointments that went forever for me..

and my paper guillotine arrived today *happy dance* cutting paper by hand takes FOREVER!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

*happy dance*

some of my items are previewing !! so much more to do *sighs*

i may of overdone it

edited all of the photos today.. may have to do a cull of items to list lol I hadn't realised it had kinda exploded. but I am happy with the items I have ready and now only have a few pieces left on my checklist *hooray* with time to spare which is a miracle

had fun making halloween soaps, but if you go with a black soap would you want blackcurrent as a scent or licorice? hmm might have a hunt around see what other suitable fragrances there are!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

countdown is on!!

well the countdown has started, on october 30th I have my first online store at !! Rather excited, nervous, terrified etc lol I do hope you all will come have a sticky beak at my items, a mix of halloween, glamor, geekery and plain ol' fun!! Soaps, jewellery, custom items, and a couple surprises I'll keep up my sleeve until the day!
so write it on the calender and wish me luck!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

school holidays

its school holidays here and the family is keeping me busy. so no enteries until school goes back!
hope the holidays are peaceful for you all!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

**drum roll** and the winner is..

after many many attempts the gadget has began working again. and after even more attempts to get liam to help, and 10 soid minutes of chasing him to get a photo lol

the winner is...


if you can message me your address and I'll post it off asap!


for some reason the gadget which normally shows the followers has wigged out and isn't showing I am not sure why this is, and I can't even access it from my dashboard so can't access the data from it so unfortunately my winner will have to be picked another day =(


anyone have any suggestions as how to fix this I would love to hear them!! *begs*

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

small frustrations and a giveaway today!

It always makes me laugh when you have a design you think will be a quick and easy job but end up looking lovely and it instead takes forever and the end result you are still scratching your head about!

I spent much of last night cursing what should of been a really simple piece lol. And ended up destroying a couple crimp covers and other bits and pieces.. once frustrated walk away lol as keep trying just ends up with broken accessories and one very very po'd chickie.

Today is the last day to become a follower to win

this lovely lollyjar of yummy candy guest soaps! I had a lot of fun making these though the running around about moulds was horrid lol. I hope whoever wins likes them! Liam is going to help me pick a name out of a hat (or bowl) later on today!
Good luck all!!

math, spreadsheets and guilt

So I spent a great deal of today doing a spreadsheet of what I have spent on beads/candle stuff/soap gear etc.. (it makes pricing and budgeting easier) over the last 6 months.

mother guilt kicked in something shocking. I went through cycles of emotion, stunned, angry, guilty, impressed, and guilt again lol. ahh well. I mean its little bits here little bits there (plus I spent all my bday money on either gems or craft stuff which was added to the total so don't feel bad there)

ahh well. I had dean over today which was great as its been forever since I saw him last. Unfortunately the kids react in very different ways to having people enter the house, jon shows off and has a ball, liam spent half the day in meltdowns and ended up becoming very violent on a couple of occasions (each time at me) and people wonder why we are antisocial buggars. its so not worth the aftermath =( so lol a bad day today but each time totally my choice and my fault. Never fun.

ahh well theres always tomorrow!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

books/movies and stupid quotes from actors =p

Getting there with the sorting and stuff. its a total pita but will make things soo much easier in the longer run!

though sadly seeing everything laid out I really need to up my level of production. haven't made as much as I thought I had!!

The kids are fairly blue today peters father went back home after a visit over the end of the week and this weekend jonathan was sooo in love with his granddad was so cute and hey anytime theres someone else here to read thats not my train etc to him is pretty lovely to me as well lol.

I also got the host by s meyer. I think I can rather ashamedly admit I think I am a fan, her work is very easy to read (similar style to harry potter and anne mccaffrey) and am watching true blood.

True blood I am finding rather amusing. I put off watching the show for ages as one of the actors in a televised interview said 'its buffy but for people with intelligence' and I ranted and raved and swore I'd never spend a cent on the show.. (still haven't i downloaded it) and lol no darlin' its buffy for rednecks, mixed with californication and porn!! stupid s.o.b! its nothing like i expected (buffy with a mullet and a porno?) but we aren't far into it. who knows maybe it will improve lol.
Why you would say such a stupid comment anyway I have no idea.. choose to alienate and insult your possible audience?! I mean it has worked for johan vasquez and some other authors etc but for some cheesecake on a 3rd rate show? seems like career suicide!
anyways once it cools down tonight I have a stack of soap to make had 4kg of base arrive yum!

Friday, September 18, 2009

storage and space!! plus school holidays

I've been counting down madly till today, peter and his dad who is up visiting have gone out to go pick up my craft cupboard!! I can't wait!!!
Atm I have boxes and display items in the linen cupboard, soaps and candles under the sink, beads on top of the fridge and its a masssive drama to do anything!! eg imagine trying to find a pearl, you need to move 4 boxes open a tool box that weighs 15kg or so remove a few more boxes etc etc its such a pita but no more!! as of this afternoon I will have my delish lil cupboard and space!!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Also I had fun yesterday setting up the jewellery trays and earring rack.. seriously need to up the amount of pieces I am making a week though *rolls her eyes* I thought I had been so productive and then all laid out it looks like very little lol.
also its the school holidays! we are doing the playcentre on monday (as its only qlds school holidays atm so it won't be too insane on monday for liam) wish us luck? he tends to have fun once he gets over the shock of the noise.. its just getting him past that part and the initial meltdown is never good =( though lol last time we went he ended up chucking a massive tantrum as he didn't want to leave.. tanty when we get there as he wants to go home, and then tanty as we leave as he wants to stay!! *laughs*
cross your fingers for us please! and enjoy the weekend!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I've been sick for the last 5 days with gastro, my online time is rather limited atm. hoping desperately to feel better soon =(

beading ppls eurekas 50% off sale is this week check it out =)

argh and i'm off again. ttyl.

Friday, September 11, 2009

happy dance


It has taken so many tries (aquamarine/teal/aqua/carribean blue etc!! czech/chinese/ crystal arghh!!) but i found them i found them i found them!!

I found the beads. the quality is shit but my god the colour is lovely!!!


on another topic. if you are interested in beading at all go to spotlight atm as they are clearing out sooo much stock. so very very broke. *sighs*

and already know what to buy with my spending money next fortnight lol. especially since peter just had to pay off $300 in fines (*grrr*)

Monday, September 7, 2009

had a shocker couple of days sleep wise jon has been crashing at 7pm at night.. which sadly means he wakes up at 4am where as if he sleeps till 9pm as usual he sleeps in till 6:30am. so unfortunately my mojo is fairly absent.

but I have been having some fun with halloween items though next time I am making sure I don't buy the magnetic hermitite (sp) as its a pain in the bum when you don't want that quality!

and also trying to improve my photography skills.

its funny though I was looking yesterday at a pair of earrings a few months ago I was so proud of and lol I have come so far in just a short period of time as my god they are sh*t and really need to be pulled apart and put together again! hopefully in a few months I will be saying the same about my wire wrap work now as I really want to improve that!!

Bought myself some longer headpins and eyepins today so we will see how we go! Pete has a stack of clay coming to him that he is going to have so much fun with. and hopefully now knows when items are drying not to leave them down where the kids can get at them!! as thats just drama we don't need =p

clothes shopping this week.. cross your fingers for me please I'd like to once get through it without a tantrum or meltdown from either myself, dh or liam lol!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

online kiddie shopping

sometimes you come across something you love that you decide now isn't the time, but go back and drool occasionally.

here are two of my fave wahms and their stores (often known as the when i have a girl or when I win lotto sites) - I adore her clothes, incredibly talented woman who also talks up storm and has the cutest kids!! (her store - really reminds me of hollie hobby and I am determined next time I get a + I'm going to go mad in her store and buy everything in sight (ok slight exaggeration but not by much!) - anyone who has a little girl should have a few of these. in every colour, trim and design lol. - the stuffed head fruit gang just kills me wayy too cute - adorable clothes - I have to constantly refrain from overspending on this site. wonderful items!!

I was going to add shannons store as well but sadly it's gone. *sighs*

Saturday, September 5, 2009

i finally did it!!

I think I finally have wirewrapping worked out. oddly enough the trick is bigger headpins and eyepins. can you believe I've been going crazy over this for weeks and thats all I needed?! argh

but I am very happy with the fact I finally worked it all out. And the results are very cute!

I had a lot of fun last night since Jon crashed early making up earring sets and the like.

Really looking forward to my display bust arriving lol, but I did the best I could late at night with the materials at hand!

Hooray!! This also brings me one step closer to eventually selling properly my own items (atm I have some orders from friends/family but put my foot down and said thats it until I get better at what I am making lol) I do intend eventually on making my own beads/findings etc =) though the idea is somewhat scary I'm a person who needed stitches from:
- a cut opening a pepsi can
- a spatula

to the point the joke is hand me a knife and I'd be fine anything blunt or unusual and its off to the ER! And I'll be playing with a blowtorch?! thats still a while off thankfully lol!

I hope the men in your lives have a wonderful day today feeling appreciated, special, wonderful and you manage to grab some good quality family time in the midst of it all!! happy fathers day guys!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally finished it!!! we are coming up to my favorite holiday (halloween!!) so of course lots of ghouls and ghosts and creepy crawlies coming from this active lil imagination! And also my first full attempt to wire wrap. my god i hope i get faster at that as I get more practiced as wow that took forever lol.

but yay my last item that was designed for the jus for mum swap is all finished!! Rather happy with it!

fathers day tomorrow! hope you all have fun spoiling your loved ones!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

my beautiful boy had his sports day yesterday. I didn't go this year as pete couldn't get the time off to do the pick up and drop off (NEED to get my l's next fortnight *sighs*) but he came home with

3 ribbons!!! I'm so proud. I had to laugh though all this excitement all the races etc and what does liam get hyper about? comes home yelling 'CAR!! CAR!!' i thought he wanted to go for a drive.. nope that wasn't it.. did he leave something in the bus?.. nope.. hmm ok I'm lost so I drag him to the pc and pop him in front of paint and he draws very clearly himself as mario in the front seat of a car going to mcdonalds!!
WTF?! ask who the other little creature is.. oh its his carers child (who goes to the same school as liam) ring up and ask about it. oh yeah it was a treat because he won so many ribbons.. *goes insane* not only was he not given permission to go, they had him in THE FRONT SEAT. and they were surprised i was upset by it all?? what the hell? really?!
*headbutts the desk*
needless to say any other excersions etc I am going along.
today we did playgroup and jon had so much fun it was so adorable. unfortunately we may of had our first asd sign as he when given a huge box of cars sat down and lined them up. not sure if thats because thats what mummy was doing (i was making a magnetic train) or not.. but yeah worrying a little.
ahh well what will be will be and there isn't anything more we can do to change where the cards fall. and if he does end up on the spectrum god knows this is the right household for him as both peter and myself have been diagnosed as aspies as adults (different clinics different shrinks, different states.. same result. and we wondered why we clicked so hard lol) and liam is on the spectrum with autism and intellectual impairment.
so if it does occur we can help him and understand some of the problems he will face. but i still have my fingers crossed it was just copng mum or a common response as another lil girl did the exact same thing when she came to play cars (and she isn't on the spectrum)
cross your fingers for us?
fathers day this weekend!! hope you all have a ball and spoil your loved ones madly!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

its clean up day in this household.

getting rid of some furniture which was either dying or just plain unsafe and replacing them with some nicer more sturdy furniture.. plus the tip run to end all tip runs!!

I can't wait!! This will eventually when we move go into the boys playroom! As I am hoping to have a completely safe play area that doesn't spread to the rest of the house. where as atm our entire house is one giant playroom lol.
unfortunately i got outbid on my other items so can't do it all in one large swoop as i had intended but YAY good bye to the old corner entertainment unit which liam climbed as a baby and I had nightmares about at least every 6 months lol, goodbye to the ripped and dodgy armchairs, and hello to a nicer safer household!!
(yes btw i am aware i really need to get a life i am this excited about this but i don't care lol)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

well course it didn't end up that way, i fed jon late (7ish) and then pete got liam to come in and wish me a happy birthday and everyone got to play on the bed and give mummy her presents and no sleep in. *sighs* i was so looking forward to it too. ahh well.

We intended on playing outside as the kids have a brilliant backyard here. Pete got everything set up we were out there 5 mins before liam got bitten by an ant and freaked out and pete had had enough and took everyone inside. =(

ahh well. I got some lovely pressies from the money my family sent all craft items which is a LOT of fun and will end up with some brilliant results once i get better at it lol. I wasted a stack of wire yesterday trying to work it all out lol. learning experience!! will get better i am sure lol.

its funny though so many ppl tried to rib me about getting closer to 30.. 30 doesn't bother me though? 26 did as thats the first fertility drop in women, and probably i'll have another wig out before 32 as thats the 2nd one and its HUGE I want to have had my 3rd bub before then as its a good gap too.. but 30? not so much? I'm odd apparently (like thats a shock to anyone who reads this!)

but yay birthday stresses over for another year. I hate them and love them all at the same time. it always ends up sh*t either due to ppl not calling, over expectations, etc etc it always seems at the end of the day there is someone upset for some reason. I really need to chuck a buffy and just not celebrate the damn things.

Friday, August 28, 2009


It's my birthday!! Yayy!! I'm now 28 (which btw dear husband is NOT middle aged =p ) and I'm up past midnight making my birthday cake (well cupcakes)

I'm rather looking forward to the morning I get to feed jon at 6am and GO BACK TO SLEEP for as long as I want!! Then we are getting up having brunch outside setting up the jumping castle, the train ride and all the outdoor stuff and having a few friends to visit. Eating way more then is good for us of course and finishing the day with a glass of wine as jon is actually taking a bottle atm. (when he was ill I tried everything to get fluids into him apparently the glass baby bottle works for him!)

can't wait!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

spoilt lil buggar I am!

It's my birthday this weekend and my darling husband gave me some money to play with for it!

I have arriving soon
- 5 metres of chain
- 4 different types of connectors

and a HEAP of gemstones! I went in on the migem buy with a forum which meant we got 50% off!!

so i have
Blue quartz
Black dragonscale agate (i love love love this stuff)
Red garnet
mother of pearl
Snakeskin jasper
rose quartz
red coral
lazuli lapis

all on the way!! and it cost me under $100 US!! unfortunately all rounds other then like 2x and they were sold out of 2 of my items so I need to buy some different shapes and some pendants but YAYYYYYYYYYY

and just for fun
1 x Thing-A-Ma-Jig Beginner
1 x Beading Loom
1 x Spiral Maker
1 x Coiling Gizmo

so yeah my bday day is going to be VERY quiet and I'm getting a cake and thats it but lol my postie is going to be bringing me pressies for weeks!!

I'm sooooooo excited lol. I got the email saying part of my order with the forum had arrived and just about did a dance lol

Friday, August 21, 2009

productive day

This necklace has driven me nuts. I got an order a number of months ago for a specific teal/aquarmarine bead set i used to have.. much stress occured because I am out of the beads and the store is brisbane based and rarely comes to the gold coast plus added bonus its a really rare colour and despite going to every store i can think of nowhere had anything similar.

So I made last night a backup just in case necklace lol. Its very oceany with the waves and the teal and marine blue bicones BUT its not what she ordered. ARGH! Highly amusing though the beads she wants? are literally $5 a strand, lovely colour dodgy quality.. the backup necklace? components cost heaps lol. and i am missing the cheap beads?! lol

I find that amusing. Also the matching bracelet which I may play with some more as I think it needs at least one aqua accent and possibly to be made a lil bit smaller.

But otherwise a productive day. Also had another crack at the Sami necklace and think i have it this time so will mail that off this week!
Finally getting my mojo back after the time away from it all due to being ill.

Now I need to find some child free time during business hours (time I won't get in trouble for using the drill lol) and can finish off the floppy disk notebooks! wish me luck?

Thursday, August 20, 2009


omfg bleach 233!! this is going to make sense to maybe 3 of the people who read this blog but i have to squee or i'll run around in circles.

my god that was brilliant. bleach is sadly peter and my's football, we cheer and yell and yes i yell at the characters we debate whether items are canon or filler, we get HYPER.. and oh this episode was all that and more.

utterly brilliant. and now i have to wait 5 days till the next ep *cries* SQUEE!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

woot my swap gift arrived!!

my gift arrived!! And luckily after soo much stress and worry my swapper loves it!!

unfortunately due to the one item rule the matching earrings are sitting on top of the fridge driving me crazy but YAYYY she likes it!!

I can't even explain how much stress i had about this swap normally you pick out something a wahm makes and don't really worry, or know the person enough to know if it will suit.. this time I was lost. Handmade it myself and didn't know the member very well so stressfest.

I ended up literally making 8 or 9 designs from skulls, to my first attempts at polymer clay, a watch, a ring, all sorts of things (and some true disasters my attempts at netting just didn't work lol), and having to beg for ppl to vote on facebook lol. so yeah I was REALLY REALLY nervous, but yyayyy all done.
now i just need wems and maddies parcels to arrive (come on aust post!) and stressfree! well at least until i am well enough to finish the orders that are sitting here calling my name.
did have fun last night though for my birthday pete gave me some $$ so i went in on the migem buy and bought some gemmies, and on etsy bought some settings and chain going to have a ball! now just need to learn how to wrap wire *sighs* ahh well its all a learning experience right?

Friday, August 14, 2009

so very blessed

I love when you have a day and you spend the whole time just looking at the kids and beaming. And awed by the joy they bring into your life.

Jon is just adorable lately, to give an example, we caved and went out to do the food shop at IGA today (like 10% of whatever we spend goes to liams school its brilliant, costs more then everywhere else but we walk out feeling good about the extra cost) jon is sitting in the baby seat section of the trolley and keeps tickling petes tummy and cracking up laughing. He was trying so hard to be sneaky too would wait till pete was walking normally (instead of holding the trolley at arms length) and ATTACK!! and cack himself completely. Was so funny and I love seeing his lil personality develop!

And liam is amazing now when you go out and about. For years we dreaded going out with liam as you'd walk past the food sections he'd dry gag and carry on, he'd panic if peter and i weren't both holding his hands all the time (to the point one of us would walk more then 10 cms away and he'd just start screaming for whoever had walked away, yell help, etc it was horrific) now he is fantastic, he actually eats while out, he doesn't run off, he is so grown up now. It amazes me how far he has come in the last year and a half since he started school its just amazing. He is now vocal (can ask for a drink, a sandwich, tell you the characters of mario, ok thats pretty much it but its much better then it used to be!) he is sly at times which gives me the giggles. Comes up 'I want cuddle mum' (its heartbreaking the sentence is so broken up and slow but he knows what he wants to say) you give him a cuddle and he reaches over and grabs the mouse and closes whatever you were working on lol. or then says 'I want computer mum' which means he gets the pc even when its not his routined time as he asked!!

He is completely mario mad, and loves using MSpaint on the pc, still won't draw using paper and pencils or paint unless you basically force him which I HATE to do as art should be an enjoyable experience. Can you believe my lil big man is 7 now? It just blows me away how grown up he is, it doesn't seem all that long ago he was this TINY lil baby!

But yeah we had a really good day today, I love my boys so very very much and I'm so blessed to have them in my life. And I think its needed sometimes to have a moment where you just reflect on everything, where you have been, how far you have come and where you want to eventually get as well!!

just for mum swap!!

I took part in an NC swap where for once it was something just for us! most of the time when you buy or plan or create its something for the kids but for once we said no, and decided to spoil ourselves a little and create and give something with mum in mind.

I must admit this swap gave me soo much worry I ended up with total i think 8 designs made for my swapper in mind, and asking for votes on facebook because I couldn't decide which to send lol. And yes it will probably cause me anxiety until the moment i see the omg thread on NC.. and i know my swapper who had me had the same worries and concerns but my god the amount of talent, time, effort, knowledge, and caring that went into my item is mind blowing,

its perfect and I love it more then i can say and am feeling REALLY spoilt.

I got in my favorite colourway ever a truly beautiful piece of knitwear. Just look at these pictures and drool, isn't it incredible!! I really feel like apologising to my swapper lol the bar has been set wayy higher then I think I aimed!!

Absolutely amazing.
Also I got gifted a beautiful pair of longies for Jon, as I had a semi custom spot in her store before it closed. Unfortunately since jon is still spewy I didn't get to try them on him (its happens everytime for some reason you put on a piece of clothing that needs to be handknitted vomit occurs, or a brand new nappy within 5 mins theres poop!)
And with one lovely parcel and a very sweet letter a VERY VERY bad day (still not cleared from SF grr) became wonderful. It's amazing the impact a person can have on you and your environment isn't it!

Friday, August 7, 2009

This week is world breastfeeding week, a week to celebrate to promote and support breastfeeders!!

Sadly for a developed nation our breastfeeding rate is dismal, despite the health benefits for both mother and baby (reduces the mothers chance of developing breast cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, reduces the chance of the baby developing so many diseases for example leukemia, cancer, diabetes, gastro conditions, obesity to name just a few!!) it is a truly sad day that so many mothers choose convenience over the bubs health, or cave to social pressure to bottle feed.

as wbw draws to a close, cuddle your lil one and celebrate the fact you are giving them the best start in life, the best foundation to build upon and helping their and your health at the same time!!

images borrowed from one of my favourite comics =)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

sadly they deleted the lego version of this. but this is one of my fave songs atm liam adores this and super mario twins hehe.

whenever i am down this always makes me laugh =)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

kind of productive day today. one of these i'm looking for input on whether to rip it apart or not.. sadly obviously i didn't get to spotlight to buy some more chain so i tried to make the sami with what i had here.. and i'm not sure if it works. I may have to either redo it with tigerwire (which looks cheap) or wait till i can get more chain?

rose quartz is so lovely never thought i'd like a stone thats well PINK! but its healing, all about love, health, and all the good things in life, it makes a really heartfelt pressie i think and despite the whole pink thing i think its becoming one of my fave gems!

also i made tee's soaps today which meant the entire house smelt like ck1 so basically the entire house smelt like some blokes armpit *shudders* and some soaps for his chickiedee, sadly still haven't found a good horse mold!

everyone is still sick as hell and also having real problems sleeping due to the issue of laying down = can't breathe.. so sitting here babbling till i fall over from exhaustion lol.

Looking at the photos today apparently i had a very pink sort of day.. odd for me! rather uncharacteristic lol wonder if its thats the swine flu speaking? =p a virus that not only makes you horribly ill but rather feminine? christ we'd have ppl running for the vaccine hehe.
bed is finally calling my name bye all!